Monday, January 24, 2011

A Rough Start to the Day....

This is just a quick post to ask for prayers and thoughts for Mimi today.  If you had a chance to read the last post, you know that she had a bad day on Friday at school.  We thought we had worked a lot of that out, but when we got back to school, she had a breakdown.  Because of the temperature, they had in-door recess today.  Which means, she had recess in the gym.  As I wheeled her toward the gym she started crying and saying, "I am not going in there," "Mommie please don't make me go in there," and so on.  It was awful.  Her good friend Miss Tracey (who is a friend of mine and works at the school) stopped and talked with her.  We got her to quit sobbing, but she was still pretty upset.
I went and talked with the school councilor before I left to let her know what was going on, and that Mimi might benefit from talking with her.  It was really hard to get in my car and drive away when I knew that she was hurting and scared.  Fortunately she only has to be there two hours before I go get her to take her to her appointments, and many of the staff said they would pop into her classroom and check on her (thank you Monica, Tracey, Delinda and Leeni).
I think too, that she is worried about getting this set of casts off.  They accidentally cut her leg the last time and it frightened her.
Please pray that we get some answers today, and a clear plan of treatment and physical therapies.  I believe Mimi will feel much better if she knew exactly what was happening, and when it would all be over.  She feels really out of control and doesn't sleep well.  She has nightmares about her teeth falling out, and being moved into a tiny room, and other weird stuff that tells me she is mentally struggling.  I asked her to try to be brave (even though I don't think I am setting a good example here!Ugh.)
Thank you thank you.

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