Monday, January 24, 2011

Excellent Night....

I know that I already posted once today, but I wanted to fill you all in on Mimi's appointments.
The cast removal went great, no accidental cuts or ouchies.  She also had only a few skin issues, and was so happy to get them off.
We went and saw the doctor, and Mindy Siegal was amazed by her progress.  We couldn't believe our ears when she told us Mimi had made up for 6 years in 6 weeks.  All this time we were hearing that she wasn't making progress, and we find out she has made a ton!  Mindy also said that it was unacceptable that Mimi was feeling bad at school, and said she wanted to give her a two week break from the casts (one: for her mental health, and two: to see what her muscles look like in two weeks).  It will also give her skin a much needed break.  Tomorrow she will be herself again!
We know that it is because of the prayers and encouragement that you all sent our way.  I am crying with relief that she won't have to endure it for two weeks!
Mimi at Dr. Siegal's Office

Now for the other thing.....
Mindy would like her to see a Neuromuscular doc, and we will make that appointment tomorrow.  It will probably be a few months out, but we will get some answers.  Mindy said that she would not have considered CP until she saw Mimi's arms, but even if it is, it is not likely to be a major issue.  She understood our basic need for conclusion, and wanted us to get that.  It made sense to her that it could be a possibility given Mimi's premature birth, etc.  So at this point we are overjoyed with the news, and the change from such a horrible morning to such a great night.  I think I will sleep tonight, better than  I have in a long time tonight.
With all of the good news, we have a venue and a date! Music for Mimi is going to happen!  Mark your calendars for March 5th!  More news on that after Wednesday afternoon.
" I am delighted to tell you about the signs and wonders that the most high God has done for me. How great are his signs!  How mighty are his wonders!  His kingdom will last forever, and his authority continues from one generation to the next." Daniel 4:2-3


  1. I am so thrilled.. mimi is an amazing blessing.. I'm so glad she gets a break and has made this amazing progress... yay way to go mims... definatley need to celebrate. I'm so glad that she may have a diagnosis. Cp is scary but in mimis form like petes it would be more on the mild side and an answer/diagnosis is far better than the unknown. Prayers have been answered and ill keep praying... love you all so much...

  2. Oh, I'm crying I'm so happy for you all. Great going, Mimi - we're proud of you!! And glad you get a break. :o) Chin up, honey!
