Friday, January 14, 2011

Disney World!!!

Okay.... I finally was able to get the internet connections from our hotel room to work!  Phew!

Alright, let's back track a bit.....
On Monday, Mimi had her third set of casts put on, but before they put them on they let her jump in the PT gym.  This is her acting crazy! For the color  she chose red of course, because it would match with Mickey and Minnie.  Unfortunately they really bent her legs, and one leg she can't hardly use at all.
   This is Miles and Mimi waiting for the airplane to Florida.  They were so excited!
When we landed in Florida, two things happened to get our trip off to an amazing start.  The first happened as we were being loaded off the airplane, and the man who brought Mimi's chair to her stopped and prayed over her.  The second happened as we were getting ready to get on the Disney shuttle, a man walked up and handed Mimi $20, and told her to buy something special, "Like ears."
    I was completely taken back by both of these events, but it gave me a sense of peace and hope that things were going to go perfectly for Miles and Mimi on this trip.
   Here are the "ears" Mimi bought the second we got there.
    For those who know me well, they know that I HATE crying more than just about anything (other than puppets of course!).  But since we have landed, I have teared up, or cried several times.  All of these times were out of joy and gratitude.  One more example is the parade we saw at Magic Kingdom yesterday.  We used the handicapped seating, which got us really close to the action.  Mimi was most excited about the parade, and the second the music started, EVERY single character stopped in the parade and hugged her- unless they were on a float, in which case they blew her a kiss, threw glitter at her, or waved.  She was in heaven, and I was a wreck (so was my mom).  It was the most incredible experience Mimi has ever had.  What made it even better was that each one noticed Miles too, and he got to shake hands with them all.  Here are a couple pictures of the parade.
You don't have to know Mimi very well to know that her favorite thing in the whole wide world is Barfy (or Pluto in the real world).

       Today we went to Animal Kingdom, and Mimi got a face paint to look like her favorite animal.....A zebra!
So far it has truly been the "Most Magical Place on Earth," and has made the kids so happy.

Physically, Mimi has done really well.  She hasn't walked much because of the extreme discomfort and loss of balance, but hasn't missed a beat.  Being here has brought to our attention the struggle we are going to have when she goes back to school.  As they continue to bend her legs, she will lose more and more mobility and instead of being able to walk more, it is obvious she will walk less (opposite of what we thought would happen).

I hope to post more soon, thanks again for staying with us!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad Mimi is enjoying Disney World and you are all having fun. Maddy loves the pictures of Mimi, especially the one in her new hat!
