Monday, January 3, 2011

The New Year

Over the past few days we have experimented with several mobility options for Mimi to help her get around at school.  While I think she will be totally fine, and could walk the majority of the time unassisted, she is afraid.  The first option is the self propelling wheelchair that some great friends, the Harpers, are letting us borrow.  Here is Mimi trying it out at the mall.
Yes, she is making a "poor me" face, not because of the chair, but because she pinched her finger.  This is a great chair when her legs are really, really sore.
Our other option is the walker, on loan to us from the Bannister family.  Mimi liked using this walker as long as it was in the "pull" mode.  She refused to attempted to push it because it made her feel like an "old person," she said.  The great thing about the walker is that it has a seat for when she is tired, she can just pop it down.  I think the walker is the best for long distances, like when shopping!
So far, some of the struggles in preparing to go back to school have been finding warm clothes that she can fit over her casts.  For those of you who don't know Mimi, she is a fashionista!  She loves designing clothes, creating outfits for herself and her stuffed animals, and the idea of wearing sweatpants was almost life threatening to her!  However, once we put a skirt over it, she was fine.  The other issue has been her cold little piggies!  But thanks to Pam Mollenkamp, Mimi had some very fashionable cast covers as you can see!  And they were in some of her favorite colors.  Thanks Pam!
Sorry about the photo quality, I took them on my phone with the wrong settings.

Right now, we are in the process of setting up an account for Mimi.  Several people have asked about donations.  We are hoping to have all of that set up in the next few days.
Also, we are still waiting to hear back on the venue for our first "Music for Mimi" fundraiser.  If you want to play or sing, by yourself or with a band, that would be great!  If you know of musicians who would donate their time, please direct them here!  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we try to get "Music for Mimi" on its feet.  We have been overwhelmed by the support and love.  Also, if you are a facebook user, please visit Mimi's fanpage also titled "Music for Mimi."  She asks all the time for me to check and see if she has any fans.  It makes her feel special.
I am hoping to post later today with some info about the fundraiser, thanks again for everything!

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