Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Cast Removal!

Today Mimi got her first set of casts off.  They are giving her 24 hours to have them off so we can observe any skin decomposition (yes, apparently the skin can decompose when it doesn't get enough air...gross). She was a little nervous about the saw they use to cut it off, but she did fine.
Aside from the fact that her feet were super stinky, they looked pretty good.  No blisters or rashes, so her body tolerated the casts very well.
   A down side was that her legs began to spasm as soon as the casts were off and she started to walk.  Since her feet were bound inside the cast so that she walked on her heals, the adjustment has been pretty painful.  She is worried that tomorrow's casting will really hurt since she is already so sore.
   Tomorrow she goes back to school (after casting) and it is her first day back from vacation.  Unlike her brother Miles who loathes school, Mimi usually really likes it-but she is worried about tomorrow.  Because of the soreness and tighter bending of the leg she is going to use her walker, and she wonders what the kids will say and ask.  I will let you know how tomorrow goes, but knowing the amazing teachers at her school, and her buddies Tracey, Monica, Imani and Aunt Eileen will be around so she should have a great day.
   And finally, the most discouraging news of the day is that her copays for her Orthopedist have gone up.  Ohh the joys of medical coverage.  On the other hand, the best news is that some wonderful people, the Prophet family, gave us the cadillac of all wheelchairs for Disney World!  Mimi loves it. It is bright blue and has all kinds of bells and whistles!  While the manual self propelling wheelchair is perfect for her to use herself, this wheelchair is an answer to prayer.  To rent one at D.W is 15.00 a day, or 50.00 a day for a nice one.  This one is going to make her trip so much better!  It was such an answer to prayer.
Thanks for sticking with us!


  1. Hooray for answered prayers! Keep smiling, Mimi-girl. We love you!

  2. Hey Shannon,

    I saw Mimi's blog on facebook and wanted to keep up with how she is doing. I know someone who went to Disney World with a broken leg and because she was in a wheel chair the entire family got to go to the front of every line! That would be a nice treat for all of you. Check it out!
