Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blue Casts.....

The Physical Therapists decided to recast Mimi's feet on Thursday, even though there was some redness, swelling and bruising.  However, she gets them off (tomorrow), Monday so that her orthopedist can see her legs.  

We are really anxious for this appointment, to check out what the future is going to hold for Mimi.
Please send your thoughts and prayers to us tomorrow as we go to that appointment.  

Also, pray for Mimi.  The realization of it all hit her really hard this week.  With Disney World over, and her schedule starting to maintain some normalcy, it caught up with her.  She had a really rough day on Friday.  They had an assembly at school, and because she had her wheelchair, she had to go in last to be closest to the exist (in case of emergency, wheelchairs have to be by an exist.  Who knew?), and she felt like everyone was staring at her.  After I picked her up she felt sick, was really stressed, was crying and put herself to bed.  She didn't get out of bed until yesterday evening, when Miles, Nelson and I sat her down and talked to her about how she was feeling.  I couldn't have been more proud of Miles.  He was so good to her, and helped explain things to her.  He has always been her closest friend, and I am so thankful that he had the discernment to know what to say.   We saw an immediate change after we talked.  She got dressed and was ready to face the world.  But school is getting difficult for her because she feels weird.  She feels like she doesn't fit.  She isn't handicapped in the permanent sense, but she doesn't feel normal either.  

She is also really excited about Buddy Basket Ball at church, and we are hoping that goes really well.  She missed yesterdays practice because of her breakdown, but I know she will be ready to go next Saturday.  

The MOST EXCITING NEWS!!! Is that we have found a venue for Music for Mimi!  I am chatting with my cousin Kristi this afternoon about date (I couldn't do this without her) and I will post the details tonight or tomorrow!  I feel like a huge weight has been lifted and we are going to get the show on the road!  So spread the word!  We are also thinking about doing a auction or raffle, so more news to follow.

I also want to thank you all for your continued support.  As of right now, we have received some amazing gifts, and we are on our way to paying off Mimi's day braces.  Soon we can start paying on the night braces.  Like I have shared before, I am completely overwhelmed.  I think it is safe to say I have cried everyday, all out of feeling loved and blessed.  So thanks to all of you for your love, gifts, and support of my family.  

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