Saturday, January 8, 2011


On Thursday, Mimi got her second set of casts.  Of course she picked one of her favorite color, ORANGE!  She did really well.

Also on Thursday, I had one of the most life-changing days of my life.  Without going into detail, I will just say that we were given a gift for Mimi, that came from heartbreaking circumstances, but will help change Mimi's life.  I have wanted to blog about it since then, but I get all emotional and blubbery!  I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you.  You know who you are, my dear, dear friend.
Mimi also went back to school on Thursday, and she did great!  She used the walker for balance, but she did not need it yesterday.
She is getting so excited about going to Disney World.  I can't tell you all what an amazing gift this is for all of us.  My parents are extremely generous, and I can't thank them enough.  I think this trip is going to have a major impact on Mimi, and how she remembers this period.  I also hope that she learns how life is for those who have life-long disabilities, and can learn grace and compassion through this.

This morning has been a little difficult for her.  For some reason the skin on her upper legs is really tender.  I hope it is just soreness, but if it persists I will have to call the Doctor.  Other than that, she is ready to celebrate her cousin Megan's Sweet 16 Birthday, and have girls night with some of her little girlfriends tonight (Mimi got a movie gift card from Nanny and Papa for Christmas, and she and a few of her friends are going to see "Tangled" tonight).
I hope I have shared the intensity of the gifts and support we have been given this week.  From those willing to help with the fundraiser (Monica and Sofie, Steve and Kristi), to those willing to provide things to auction off (Lori) and those willing to perform or find bands who will (Leah, Ben, Brittney, Kellie), and the money sent to Mimi (you know who you are), and all of our friends and family sending encouraging comments on here and through facebook to Mimi.  Our family has been humbled and touched by those reaching out to us during this time.  As I told a friend, it has been heartbreaking to know that I cannot provide medical care for my daughter who I love beyond measure, but healing to know that I have so many who love her as I do.  We have been blessed.
"Pour our your heart like water before the face of the Lord.  Lift up to him the lives of your young children." Lamentations 2:19

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the orange! That girl rocks those casts!

    Hope you have fun at Disney World! I'm insanely jealous, but I still love you all :) We'll hang when you get back!
