Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Great Time!

Disney World was fabulous.  We had such a fantastic time.  The major highlights of the second half of the trip were totally different depending on which child you asked.  For Mimi, it was meeting Rapunzel and Flynn Rider.  Now Mimi has yet to get into the Princess scene, but she loved the movie "Tangled" and was very excited to meet the main stars!  Here she is.......

She loved getting to talk with them, and Flynn even showed her his special bag, and what was in it.....

For Miles, he LOVED the Lego store in Downtown Disney.  He created several lego people, and got a few lego sets....

We were a little worried about Miles because of all the attention Mimi was getting, but at the "Lion King" show, he was asked to come and be a part of the show!  He had a great time, and you know he loves the stage!

Another exciting moment for Mimi was the kitty Marie.  Marie was walking around the park and stopped to grab Mimi's hand.  They walked around together for a while, and then she signed Mimi's casts.   Mimi was so excited!

On the last night we were there we did some last minute shopping.  While we were out Mimi was given a crown and a wand, by a Disney employee.  Surprisingly she actually wore them!

     We got in late last night, and the kids are off at school.  I will post tomorrow, after Mimi gets the third cast removed and let you know what they say.  She is in a lot of pain today and insisted on being in the wheelchair.  I am not as worried about her because she is literally surrounded by people who love her at school.

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