Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Wee Bump in the Road.......

We are getting so excited about Music For Mimi!  Things are moving forward, and we are so thankful!
      However, we have hit a bump in the road..... It seems that not all of our Evites reached their destinations!  Not Good!  To help us fix this problem, we need you to pass it along to literally EVERYONE you know! Here is the link to the Evite, just in case:

In my last post, I shared a preview to one of our "up-and-coming" local bands AVILA.  I hope you all had a chance to look at their link.  Such a wonderful group of guys!

This is Miles and Mimi rocking out (in true air-guitar fashion) to Avila and A New Downfall.

 Here is another teaser!  This band is very dear to my heart, since a close friend started it.  Tyler Bell is completely adored by both of my children and has been instrumental in getting Music for Mimi off the ground.  He has put in so much work, and I am honored to present a teaser to you!  Music For Mimi is their debut show, and I am sure you will appreciate the musical talent in this small taste of their music.

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