Thursday, February 17, 2011

Time Passes Slowly....

Isn't it funny how some weeks fly by, while others take forever?  And of course it's the weeks that you want to hurry up and end that feel like they never will. Well, that is certainly how we are feeling.  The neurology appointment could not come fast enough to suit us, but in the meantime we have had some very cool experiences!
First, we will have the honor of having the chick-fil-a cow in attendance at Music for Mimi!  I have the privilege of knowing the cow, or at least the great guy, who is the cow.
We are getting lots of donations and gift cards for the silent auction, which we are so thankful for.
And in the music department, I have had the pleasure to get to know some of the incredible young musicians in Colorado Springs (it is really horrifying that I just used the term "young musicians,"  definitely not okay). And there should be about every music genre represented, so no one should leave unhappy! One band in particular, has been very gracious and helpful.... Which leads us to the next teaser....

Avila is made up of some amazing young men, one of whom I was lucky enough to meet.  They are making a name for themselves on the local scene, and have a great fan base! Click on the link to hear one of their songs, or learn more about them!

Again, we are so thankful for the love and support we have been given. We love you all.

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