Monday, February 7, 2011

The "In-Between"

It is hard to write posts when the information is frustrating, or when I feel like I haven't accomplished anything worth posting!  So, forgive the past few days with no posts-I am a slacker!
In the realm of the medical bonanza.....
I was able to spend some time on the phone with the nurse at Mimi's orthopedist's office.  I still had not been able to get in touch with the neurologist to make an appointment, so I said to myself, "Self, just call Mindy's office and see if there is another neurologist you can see.  It's not like you are attached to this specific doctor, you just want a diagnosis."  And that, my friends, is what I said to the nurse.  She, however, read me Mimi's medical file...... Isn't interesting how much you don't hear when you are in an appointment?  Just having the nurse read it aloud to me gave me more information that I have been given in this entire process.  Some of it was great to hear, some of it was painful.  Regardless of what it said, it was very clear that Dr. Stephen Smith is a leading pediatric neurologist, who specializes in CP.  Now, we have not been given a diagnosis of CP, that is why we are going to this doctor.  We are basically at a crossroads.  Either Mimi was born with a minor neruomuscularskeletal deformity impacting the legs, which created her idiopathic toewalking, or she has a minor case of CP.  What is CP you ask, well, click here and read all about it.  Keep in mind that in Mimi's case, if it is CP it would not get worse.  It is what it is.  The only difference would be the kind of treatment.

Music for Mimi......
We are gaining headway!  We still have room for more bands, feel free to pass that along!  We also would love products, services, collectables, etc. to auction off in out "Silent Auction" portion.  The most important thing we need is support.  Things are tight for everyone right now, and more than Mimi's physical stuff is her mental stuff too.  Please come, bring your kids for face painting, food and music- to let Mimi know that she isn't weird, but has good friends and family.  I am going to add another teaser later this afternoon, so keep your eyes on the blog!

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