Thursday, September 6, 2012

Holy Time Lapse Batman!

I have received a few requests for information on the Mimster.  And in answering those requests, discovered that it has been a year....nay.....over a year since I posted an update!  Yikes, another case of the Bad Mommas. 
So here is what is happening right now.  The past 14 months have really just been a holding pattern.  We focused on catching up in school, adjusting to regular PT, and learning more about future possibilities.  Obviously, we tried, failed, tried, and failed AGAIN to get some kind of insurance supplement for the braces, but we have come to terms that that just isn't in the cards.  So, knowing is being prepared, and we recognize that we just need to be able to set aside 6,000.00 every nine months/year for new orthodics and PT.  And we also have learned that there is no such thing as an impossible situation. Mimi couldn't be more positive.  She has been blessed with amazing friends and family who truly love her and support her. 
Here is what we have happening in the next few months........
First, she has started Hippotherapy.  What is this?  I am so glad you asked!  Hippotherapy, surprisingly has nothing whatsoever to do with Hippos!  It is the use of equines (aka horses) to help in the development of strengthening core muscles without feeling like one more doctors appointment.  Mimi is SO excited about taking "riding lessons."  She starts in October and will continue until she wants to stop.
Unfortunately, the last session of serial casts over this past winter were not as successful as we had hoped, and the bottom line is, unless we want to do some invasive surgeries, we are going to have to give Botox treatments a try.  What this means, is that she will go to Children's Hospital in Denver for these treatments.  She is going to be put under, and injected in both legs from the ankle to the hip, and then serial casted.  She will most likely be in the wheelchair a bit longer this time around, but her school has made her classrooms accessible to her, and she has a school nurse that she loves to help her.  The plan is for that to start in late November, early December and may continue until January/February.  Initially we really wanted to avoid Botox as we had heard some really terrible things regarding side affects. However, we have met with multiple doctors and specialists (including discussing it with Nelson's cousin Nathan who is an amazing doctor) who helped us make the decision to go for it.  Basically, what we want is for Mimi to have to do the harsher treatments now, before her bones are COMPLETELY set.
She is a little worried about this new regimen, but we believe that if we do it now, she will have a completely normal adulthood (physically, I can't vouch for the mental scarring Nelson and I are giving both the kids)!
Right now, she is comfortable with her life.  She answers the questions of curious adults and children with confidence, usually saying something like, "I have CP, that's why I get to wear these braces."  She has made the orthodic look a trend apparently, and I spent a good amount of time weeping when a mother of a friend of hers called me to tell me that her daughter was asking for a wheelchair like Mimi's from Santa this past winter.  She is rocking the CP!  With that, thank you for your continued prayers, support and love.  We would be adrift without you all. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

It's Been Awhile......

So, here we are, the middle of July, and school is weeks away.  What happened to the summer? Geeesh!!!
I have been procrastinating on writing an update on Mimi for awhile now and I am feeling terribly guilty about it.....
What's going on, you might ask. Well, a whole lotta nothing! We are enjoying hanging out with the kiddos, buying baseball cards with Miles, and playing Barbies with Mimi.
Mimi is adjusting and doing really well.  We are getting ready to embark on a new year, a new school, and really, a new beginning.  We are pretty nervous about the new school and friends for her- will the other kids KNOW she is as awesome as we know she is?  It is a scary, scary time.
Medically, we are kind of at a stalemate.  We are currently looking for a new pediatrician for Mikenna, we see the orthopedist on Monday, and the neurologist next month.

The past few months have been extremely enlightening for us as a family.  Nelson and I met with the neurologist at the end of May, just the two of us.  We wanted to get a clear view of Mimi's future and ask some basic questions without her in the room.  It was very informative..... in more ways than one.  We had the chance to look through the bulk of Mimi's medical records with the doctor (I am talking INCHES of files), and we were shocked to discover that there was a least one phone call to her pediatrician by someone close to us who discussed with the doctor Mimi's health.  We were devastated to learn that our doctor had had a discussion with someone, other than us!  Not only that, but we learned very painfully that the pediatrician was told that we (Nelson and I) had misconstrued Mimi's medical history, and that we ultimately lied to get a Cerebral Palsy diagnosis, which is now in her medical record (we think that might have had an impact on the way the doctor treated us at the Shriners- she had a copy of the file as well). Needless to say, it has been a really rough few months.  My heart hurts that anyone could believe that Nelson and I wanted Mimi to have CP, or anything for that matter.  We have come against some pretty tough accusations, and it has taken its toll on me (and Nels) emotionally.  We have received letters, emails, phone calls and the like accusing us of being terrible parents for believing she has CP, that we just want to collect money from the government (that one's my favorite), that we don't have enough faith so that she could be healed....and on and on.

 On the other hand, in many ways the Leupp family couldn't be more blessed.  We are so very grateful to those of you who have stood by us, loved us, and been there in the middle of the night when my heart is broken and I need someone to talk too (or need some escapism, thank you Christy Anderson!).  You know who you are, and I am forever in debt to you.  We are also thankful for those who have opened their arms to Mimi-Miles too- and helped her gain back her self-confidence (Ryan, you have changed her little life.  Thank you for being her "cow," her friend, and her first crush!) Mimi has some amazing little girlfriends as well, whose parents have done a spectacular job of raising them, and addressing the situation with Mimi so that they continue to treat her just the same, they are giving her a glimpse of it feels like to walk with the unconditional love and compassion of Jesus.
Mimi on her "date" with Ryan

When we first got the diagnosis, I think we went into over-drive.  I put on the brave face, put my hurt in a box and stuck it under the bed.  As the shock has worn off, and we move into the "forever" of it all, that box keeps popping up in weird places, like the scary doll in horror films- or the broken doll my dad used to hide in my aunt Darla's car, bed, fridge, etc. I fight to keep it together somedays, I find myself crying A LOT.  My emotions flop from weariness, to sadness, to disappointment, to guilt, to believing that I am a terrible parent and I don't take care of my kids, that my accusers are right, and it makes me depressed.  We, me especially, could use your prayers.  Simply put, it is just HARD, it is battle.  Everyday I have the privilege of seeing the bravery and courage of my little girl, like when kids point at her legs, or just walk up and ask her what's wrong with her.  She's tough and she's sassy!  I really don't know if it is a good thing, but this is a repetitive exchange we have been having:
Mimi: "Mommie? You know what?"
Me: "What?"
Mimi: "Today, I don't feel like being handicapped."
Me: "Ok.  You don't ever have to be, if you don't want to be."
Mimi: "Yeah, I'm not today."
Me.: "Ok."
....... the next day, or even later in the day.......
Mimi: "Mommie?"
Me: "What?"
Mimi: "I want to be handicapped right now."
Me: "Ok.  Why?"
Mimi: "Because I want to use a handicapped parking spot!"
  and sometime: "Because I want you to carry me."
  But she almost always finishes with: "I will always be handicapped when I go to Disney World."
Me: "Why?"
Mimi: "So I can go to the front of the line!"
And then she laughs.  She can successfully make me laugh and cry at the same time!

So we struggle, we laugh, we hurt, we are blessed, and we move forward.  I realize more and more that people care very deeply about Mimi, and it has changed the way people feel or look at Nelson and I.  Please know that we really would do whatever it took for our children.  That we love them unconditionally, and while we may not be handling or doing what some consider to be in Mimi's best interest, we try really, really hard too.

This has always been one of my favorite verses, and I think I have shared it before but it means more to me everyday, "Rise up in the night and cry out to your God.  Pour out your hearts like water before the face of the Lord; lift up your hands to him, and the lift up the lives of your young children." Lamentations 2 :19.  Even though sometimes I feel like I am pouring out my tears more than my heart- Nelson and I desire to lift up the lives of our children.

So that's what is going on with the Mim-ster. I realize this post may seem like a giant downer, but I want to be up front about this journey, that in the struggle there is great joy and perseverance.  That glory can go where it is due, and when Mimi looks back at this blog she will see the prayers answered on her behalf.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

A little bit behind....

Oh goodness.  We have been so behind at the Leupp household!  I received a phone call from a dear friend yesterday, who reminded me I still hadn't updated the blog!  So sorry!

Some excuses on why I am behind: the kids are transferring schools, Nelson's mom went to Hawaii to be with his grandmother who is ill, it is final time (lots of grading), and major decisions needed to be made.  Sadly I have been focused on these things, and haven't been good about communication news (and one more, my computer is on its last leg, and rarely can I get on the internet long enough to do anything!).  So I hope that you forgive my tardiness.....

Where to begin?
The Shriners Hospital in Utah is simply amazing.  The people and facility were unbelievable.   We met with a doc there who wanted us to come to Utah every week, and it just isn't doable right now-but we are leaving that door open.  We didn't learn anything new at the appointment, which lasted about 20 minutes, and was just a consulting appointment.  The doctor we saw was big on testing (I recently found out that this is procedure, because it is a research based medical facility,  they run a similar set of tests on every child).  One of the tests was an MRI.  We have received many questions regarding our choice to not do the MRI.  Here are some reasons:
When we met with the neurologist who diagnosed Mimi, he told us that an MRI was not required to diagnose CP, especially since her case is extremely mild.  He didn't want to put her through it.  Another reason is that the Shriners doc also agreed that the MRI is not accurate, but would show other neurological diseases (again, procedure).  Finally, CP is not progressive, and her symptoms will only reflect growth, not worsen over time.  The question many people have is why wouldn't we test her to have a definitive diagnosis?  That is because her diagnosis is definitive.  And MRI test is actually not a definitive test in non-infant children, which is why our insurance ( and most others) will not pay to have an MRI done to diagnose Cerebral Palsy, because it is not considered necessary. CP is a broad term that denotes a plethora of musculoskelatalneurological disorders.  Unfortunately there is no "classic" CP, or list of required symptoms, but can take on the appearance of mild to severe physical and mental disorders.
Also, the Shriners doctor did wonder if Mimi possibly had other neurological disorders.  She wanted to eliminate Muscular Dystrophy and Muscular Sclerosis.  After much consideration between Nelson and I, and asking different friends and doctors, we decided that MRI testing to eliminate other disorders wasn't good for Mimi at this time.  We don't want Mimi's life to be one big doctors appointment.
We loved the Shriners hospital, but the travel and disruption was just too much for the last bit of the school year.  We may revisit that option over the summer, especially since we may lose some of Mimi's medical coverage.

UGH.  We found out last week the our insurance will only allow Mimi to have Physical Therapy 5 more times this year.  They will "reload" her therapies next year if they believe it is necessary.  This is a major bummer, but we know there are other options out there for coverage.  We are going to get her on the Medicaid waiver, but it is a year long wait-list.  Fortunately we have such great friends and family, who have researched alternative medical help.  I will be exploring those options in the next few weeks.

Right now she is doing great mentally.  She knows she has CP, but is beginning to recognize that it doesn't make her weird.
The biggest difficulty we are facing during this time is Miles.  He is really struggling, and much of it has to do with Mimi, but there are some other factors like fear, grief, and worry that are weighing down his sensitive little heart.  He is such an amazing kid, and change impacts him.

Well, I think that brings you all up to speed.  We are transferring schools in the fall, and I think a fresh start will be good for them both. I will keep you posted!  Thanks again for being there!
PS.  Again, I know I am super behind, but Music for Mimi "Thank Yous" are coming!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Going to Utah (or Ohio)!

We are off to Utah on Thursday!  Mimi gets rather confused and keeps calling it Ohio, but we fly out Thursday afternoon, and return Friday night.  This first appointment will focus on meeting her assigned doctor, discuss her medical history, and make a plan for treatment and more visits to Utah.  She is really excited about going, thank goodness, and we hope to learn a lot about what Mimi's future is going to look like.   The local Shriners, Al Kaly, have paid our expenses, and we are so grateful for their support.  We also get to stay, for free, in one of the family hotel rooms that are provided inside the hostpital.  I will post lots of pictures and information as we get it. 

On another note, some great friends of mine are putting to gether a run for Mimi.  It is going to be called, "Miles for Mimi," in honor of Miles of course, and to raise money for Mimi and hopefully our future foundation!  This run will also honor a beautiful girl, who is currently running with Angels on streets of gold, but who's life has definitley influenced Mimi's and we are grateful to share in it.  I will share more info on that as I get it. 
We continue to be shown God's good grace and faithfulness through each and every one of you.  Thanks, as always!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


We have great news!  This morning we got a call from the Shriners Hospital in Utah.  They told us that Mimi has been approved, and they want to see her on April 8th!  We are so excited that we were chosen to go.  Not only is this one of the best hospitals for Cerebral Palsy, but they will evaluate her completely.  Not to mention that they pay for it all!  If you want to read more about where we are going, click on the link
Mimi playing at P.T.

The first visit on the 8th is just a basic checkup, and meeting to create a plan for testing and evaluations.  We will go back in a few weeks for a more lengthy stay, in which most of her testing and evaluations will be conducted.

We continue to be humbled by our daily surprises.  Money continues to come in, medically things are going just right and Mimi's attitude is great.  On a side note, Mimi has declared that she is a "Princess Girl!"  I am so excited I can barely stand myself!  Her 7th birthday is coming up in May and she actually wants a Princess Party!

While she has the Princess attitude, we hope and pray that all of this attention will not go to her head, but help her become a girl of grace, compassion, and hope.  We strive to remind her daily that her beauty comes from the inside, not just the outside.

On a final note, please remember to keep Miles in your thoughts and prayers.  It is hard to be the big brother sometimes.  He still sleeps on her floor most nights, and worries about her all the time.  He also struggles with feeling left out, so we are trying to remedy that with extra Miles time.  On Sunday we decided that a family day was in order, and it was great.  I was invited to attend the wedding of Arial and Prince Eric (Barbies of course), who were well protected during the marriage ceremony by Halo soldiers (action figures).

Thanks again for your continued support and love.  We should get our Shriners Packet in the mail in the next few days with information that I will post.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


There is so much to say here, we don't know where to start....
Last night's Music For Mimi, was probably one of the most inspiring moments of our lives.  The turn out was unbelievable, the volunteers were amazing, the musicians were fantastic, and family and friends in abundance.
At last count we were at approximately $6,000.00.  We am so overwhelmed by this I have cried pretty much all day.  We can't express the gratitude we feel.  Tomorrow, we can pay for Mimi's braces, her last 3 months of therapy, and maybe have enough left cover to pay for three more months of PT.  
However, we don't want to forget all of those who's hard work made Music For Mimi even possible:

Steve Wamberg- who  met with me the morning after my vision for Music For Mimi, and helped us get the ball rolling.  Also, for helping with the sound, coordinating the event, and working with the musicians.
Ben Wamberg- for getting the word out, passing along information between bands and us, his beautiful flyer, and for his amazing work last night!
Steven Goodrich- for helping with the sound, and coming after a long day of work to set up, and take down.
Kristi Leonard- who was there for me, organizing food for the event, and meeting with corporate sponsors- even when she had a lot to deal with.
Kari Bannister- for working in the kitchen and helping with the auction.  We owe you!
Christy Anderson- for working in the kitchen and making great cookies ( and gluten free)!
Robin Todd- for watching the cash, baby!
Kelsie Border- for being the best fairy ever!
Jordan Lane- for rocking the Rapunzel!

Annie Wamberg- for making dreams come true!
Ryan Walls- for being the COW!
Carol Wolfe and Pam Mollencamp- for being so supportive, before, during and after with your prayers and hard work.
The Lundquist Girls- you were so helpful!  And you made Mimi feel so special.
Brandon Sullivan- for being the best brother ever, and for helping me set up all day, and build a stage! I am your slave.
Tyler Bell- for your calm advice, getting musicians together, and keeping me sane.  
Tim Bannister- for helping set-up and take down, and being Nelson's baby sitter!  Thank you!
Ben Lew- for the amazing logo!  It looks great.
Cindy Leupp (and Dave too)-for the many supportive telephone chats, cookies, and hostessing.  Thank you for being there for us.
Wilma David- for her constant prayers, her cinnamon rolls, and love.
Monica and Sophie- for being great face-painters!
Richard Blanchette, and Kevin Hodges for doing the odd jobs in set up and take down.
Carol Sullivan- for EVERYTHING.  There isn't anything that I can't thank you for.........

Thanks to all of the great and beautiful people who donated items to be auctioned-we made so much off of your items, those who made delicious cookies, and those who quietly put money in the jar.  We can't thank you enough.  

And finally, 
Mimi with Ascend the Hill band members!
Miles Singing
Thank you Miles Leupp (for being wonderful on stage and off), Brown Eyed Girls, Rohman Holiday, Kellie Prophet (I need a copy of that song!), A New Downfall, Warrington Station, Avila (I loved the "Mimi" written on the speakers!), Replacing Judas, The Ember Days, and Ascend the Hill ( E.D. and A.H., thank you for your prayers, and love-it was an honor to meet you and have you there). 
Mimi with A New Downfall

I know that as soon as I post this, I will remember those we have forgotten to mention.  But we are no less grateful!  I am sure we will have to put add-ons!  Again, thank you all.  You have literally changed how our little girl will walk into her future.  We adore you all.
Mim with Avila

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Big Day!

It is finally here!  Music for Mimi is going to be a huge success!  So many people have volunteered to help us, make cookies, serve in the kitchen, do face painting, dress up- it blows my mind.

Miles and Mimi could not sleep last night, they were so excited.  Miles has been practicing his music so that he can "open the show," with some Johnny Cash and Charley Pride.

I can't wait to see you all there, and thank you for your support.  I know that tonight is going to be amazing and we are all going to see some spectacular things.

Just in case, here is the info one more time:
2315 N. Circle Drive
5:00 pm
Music Starting At 5:30.

Fun, food and fantastic Music!